Morning Praise Song

The birds sing their morning praise songs
As the leaves rustle to the sound of the wind.
My heart clings to the peace in this moment
Praises to you Lord over and over again.

The quiet serenity of the morning
Calms my Spirit and too my heart sings,
A joyful love song to our creator,
The maker of Heaven, and in earth all things.

Singing glory, glory, all Praise to You only.
Glory, glory all praise to the King!
Glory, glory all praise to the Savior,
To our Holy Father, these praises we sing!

Begin Again

When negative voices creep in like a fog
Dig your heels in and believe the word of God.
He remembers the promise He placed in your heart
The dream you gave up on…He has not forgot!

God wants to give you the desires of your heart
He will make sure you complete what He starts!
Don’t let sorrow or shame and regret from past sin,
Hold you back from Beginning Again!

Victory Over Un-forgiveness

When we are hurt
Our first response is to retaliate.
Outwardly we may do nothing,
But inside we harbor “hate”.

Claim victory over un-forgiveness
Confess any resentment to God.
Acknowledge it as an act of rebellion
And choose to lay it down for good.

Un-forgiveness hinders our prayer life,
Our worship and witness to others.
It affects our giving, blocks our
Spiritual growth and causes strife with our brothers.

Giving up resentment against someone
And our so-called “right to get even”,
Reveals the most about our character
And the basics of what we believe in.

Un-forgiveness is serious business
Assume responsibility for it.
Ask God to enable you to forgive
And His Spirit to implore it!