Let There Be Light

The first words ever spoken
by our Creator above
Radiate through the darkness
A Father’s endless love…Let there be light

God’s word commands
And in one quantum leap
He split water and sky
From a twilight sleep…God said it was good

Water separates from ground
And life was premiered
Through His breath
Man clearly appeared…On the sixth day

God admired and marveled
The work of His own hands
And rested on the Sabbath
A Holy Day at His command…God blessed the seventh day

But God said it was NOT good
For man to be alone
So then Woman was formed
Flesh of flesh bone of bone

A helpmate to share
The life man was given
Enter Satan’s temptation
To sin they were driven

Now banished from the garden
Naked on their own
To work the land for food
Yet they were never alone

God’s watchful eye was on them
Their lives were in His hands
And we learn through their mistakes
To follow His commands

God made the light
He split night and day
Knowing You and I would follow
Adam and Eve along the way

To keep His light going
That is why we live
Examples of the Father’s love
We were created to give