
Lord I long
To see Your Majesty
When You come back
To earth in Grace

I long to see
The wonders of Your Glory
I long to meet
You face to face

I long to see the Heavens
Open up in splendor
Thunderous clouds
Unveil dazzling light

When Glory reveals
Its Majesty
To the sons of darkness
And of the night

For those who
Live in darkness and
Turned away from
The Savior’s Love

Will see Glory on
The captives in His train
When His Spirit descends
On believers like a dove

The dead in Christ
Will rise first from the earth
Dry bones lifted from the grave
With great care

And then all those
Who’ve died to self…will rise
And meet the Lord Jesus
In the air

Can you imagine
This heavenly army?
Every Generation
Of Believer…in tow

Standing firm on The Rock
The Lord Jesus
As Angelic Trumpeters
Begin to blow

Their mighty horns
Call the world to battle
Darkness then will
Bow down to The Light

Children who never feared
The Lord God Almighty
Will know
The true meaning of Fright

With one breath Christ defeats
The lawless one’s army
All wrongs are instantly
Made right

For our days have already
Been ordained
By The Lord God
Who gave us life

He gave His word
To all who would believe
And free will
To choose Him…if we like

So I share my faith
Of the God I believe in
Introducing those who may not
Know His name

I pray that those
Who have forsaken Him
Be given a second chance
To do the same

So they too will
Understand this longing
I feel deep
Inside my heart

And they will rise
With us
In His Glory
And never be apart

From the Saving Grace
Of Jesus
His unconditional love
On believers bestowed

I pray this longing
In every hardened heart
I pray the Lord Jesus they soon
Come to know

And that all would turn
From sin and repent
For He wants none to perish
In the Lake of Fire

But to live eternity
In His Presence and
For this to be their
Only longing and desire