Hello friend,

It’s been several weeks since my last post and it is so good to be back online!

If these words encourage you on your personal walk of faith, I’d love to hear from you in the comments section.

I trust that today finds you healthy and well and I hope you will enjoy today’s message, entitled… Walking In Tandem.



You, O Lord are the deepest desire of our hearts
Still the evil one schemes to keep us far apart

With a ventriloquist’s array of voices, he tries to distract
The hearts of those in You, Lord, that are solidly intact

He thinks if he is relentless, “flesh” will soon give in
Leaving shattered pieces of us, he can corrupt all over again

But You, Lord, are the mender of all of our broken pieces
This truth is known to all who believe in Your Biblical teachings

We long to spend precious time at Your feet
Near to the golden covering of Your Mercy Seat

To learn from You, Lord, throughout eternity
The meaning of our lives and Your calling on THE


To share our own journey with those who will listen
To keep each and everyone from entering into perdition

We may not be Bible Scholars or Angelic Saints
We are not models of excellence…and perfect? NO WE AINT!

But we are children of The Most High God
Called to walk in tandem, where His feet have trod

Leaving behind a legacy, that puts their own faith in His name
Forsaking “ALL OTHER VOICES” that would purpose to defame

The Holiest of Holy’s, our Lord Jesus, The Prince of Peace
All Powerful, Mighty Warrior, Glorious, Righteous, King of Kings

So we walk in tandem with You O Lord, one behind the other
Should one veer off Your path, O Lord, he is rescued by a brother

…Or sister

Who has died to “self”
Now living ONLY for you O Lord

Walking step by step, in tandem with You
In harmony and of one accord

So let our character, conduct and conversation
Reflect our faith in You

So that others will see Your good works in us
And be compelled to want the same thing too

Author: Marie Fitts

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Writer, Dog Lover, Grated in and Grateful, Child of the Most High God!

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