Call Me Friend

Will you leave this world
Just like you found it?
You know…
Life is only a chasing after the wind


Dying to self
To be born again

Toiling and striving
Every waking hour
Working and laboring
Until the day’s end

Do you search for knowledge
Discernment and wisdom?


Do you seek treasures of Kingdoms?
Gold dust in the wind


Life here on earth is
Right up to the end
If you don’t know The Savior
The Master, King Jesus

If you don’t know
His name
And He can’t call you

The Unveiled Heart

Today’s post is inspired by the reading of God’s word in 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 (NIV)

With unveiled faces
We reflect The Lord’s Glory
Only those in Christ
Have the veil removed
With unveiled hearts we are transformed
The resulting likeness to Him
His followers will prove
That we are being transformed
Even when we stumble
We are being transformed
When we trip and fall
His ever increasing Glory
Covers our sin debt
Paid in full on The Cross
Paid once
For all
Since we have such great hope
Our minds are sharpened
Because we believe
We will enter His rest
Where The Spirit of The Lord is
Is freedom
Freedom for all those
Who choose His Best
So, do not be downhearted
Do not be afraid
The unveiled resemblance
Of His likeness is stayed
On all who believe
That Christ is our Savior
On all who believe
In the words that He said
Written in His blood
On the unveiled hearts
Of every sheep willing
To surrender and be led