What makes a man
Stand firm in his faith?
What makes a man believe?

What makes a man
Stand strong with conviction?
What makes others unable to perceive?

His thoughts, his loyalty

It is a firm foundation, where generation, upon generation
Conceived and passed down their inherited trait
To believe in the One True God


What makes a man walk away
From his faith
What makes him fall prey to being deceived?

The lack of knowledge
In our creator
The inability to Jehovah to cleave

Comes from the
Sinful nature of man
Of which we never have a reprieve

Thus, faith takes determination
It takes willful intent
It takes the most consistency

To a daily walk
With The Father, Son and Spirit
The Holy Trinity

Without a daily walk
Without a routine conversation
Without quiet time to adore and confess

Without a relationship
With Jesus, The Christ
Without thankful praise…before requests

God turns a deaf ear
To those who would plea
In their darkest hour…”hear me O Lord”

For His word says
He will not know their name (Matthew 7:21-23 (NIV))
If their house is not built on the rock, it will fall with a great crash in wind and rain

So build your house upon the rock, The Lord Jesus
And your daughters and sons will see
The Blessings of God The Father displayed, on every man who in His great name…BELIEVES!