He Knows My Name – Francesca Battistelli

Have you ever contemplated how you are perceived by others? Do you find yourself diligently working to gain the accolades, respect, praise and applause of a fallen world, just to impress others?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are not alone. If I were truthful, I’d tell you I’ve been trying to impress and have been seeking approval and applause from “the world’s” many stages most all of my life.

It was not until just recently that a comment from a video series I watched on “The Best Yes” by Lisa TerKeurst that it really hit home with me. Lysa made the statement, “When you try to impress others, you only end up depressing yourself”. Wow! That statement still speaks volumes to me!

I’ve been known to belabor issues over and again in my mind, constantly replaying situations that have happened in my life and wondering what other people thought of me, my family, my background, my education, my abilities, my ambitions, my work, my performance, etc. etc…

But knowing how deeply music resonates in my soul, God reminds me
using the medium that speaks to me the most, through the lyrics and melody from a song by Francesca Battistelli; reminding me too, that He Knows “my name”…and that’s all that matters!

Exodus 33:17 (AMOP) “And The Lord said to Moses, I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name”.