The Potter’s Wheel

The Potter molds both noble pieces
And those for common use
I’ve caught myself wondering why the common pieces
Would be used for such abuse

But who am I that I should EVER question
The Potter of the use of His clay?
Shall what is formed say to who formed it…
“Why did you make it that way?”

It is not for me to be concerned how
God will make His power known
What if He bore with great patience
“Throw-away” pieces from His Almighty Throne

What if He did this to make the riches of
His favor known to His nobility?
Those He prepared in advance for His glory
Yes, that’s you and me!

So forgive Your noble pieces Lord when we question and wonder
Why You would blame the common pieces that resist Your will?
It is written…”The Lord God will have mercy on whom He has mercy”
It’s not ours to question Your will

It’s not ours to ponder
Common pieces prepared for destruction
When You sat at
The Potter’s Wheel

So when our mind wanders to places and things
That might cause us to question or doubt
Help us to remember there are things from above

Romans 9:18-26 The Voice (VOICE)

18 So when and where God decides to show mercy is completely up to Him. Likewise, when He chooses to harden one’s heart, how can we argue?

19 I can hear one of you asking, “Then how can He blame us if He is the one in complete control? How can we do anything He has not chosen for us?” 20 Here’s my answer: Who are you, a mere human, to argue with God? If God takes the time to shape us from the dust, is it right to point a finger at Him and ask, “Why have You made me this way?” 21 Doesn’t the potter have the right to shape the clay in any way he chooses? Can’t he make one lump into an elegant vase, and another into a common jug? Absolutely. 22 Even though God desires to demonstrate His anger and to reveal His power, He has shown tremendous restraint toward those vessels of wrath that are doomed to be cracked and shattered. 23 And why is that? To make the wealth of His glory known to vessels of mercy that are prepared for great beauty. 24 These vessels of mercy include all of us. God has invited Jews and non-Jews, insiders and outsiders; it makes no difference. 25 The prophet Hosea says:

I will give a new name to those who are not My people; I’ll call them “My people,”
and to the one who has not been loved, I’ll rename her “beloved.”[a]
26 And it shall turn out that in the very place where it was said to them, “You are not My people,”
they will be called “children of the living God.”[b]