
Why do the same things
Keep happening to me
Is there a lesson to be learned
That I continually fail to see

Insanity is doing the same thing
Expecting a different result
Something you might expect from a child
But not after you’ve become an adult

Are these happenings the result
Of my own insane acts
Or jumping the gun with comments
Wishing later I could retract

I desperately want to get off
This insane Merry-Go-Round
That has my actions shackled
And my words bound

To a broken record
An endless Ground Hog Day
Repetition over and again
Lord, take this insanity away

Keep me from wasting time
Rounding this mount
Like the Israelites did

Of this generational demon’s
Tight hold on me
Clouding my good judgement
Making it difficult to see

That continuing to do the same thing
Expecting a different result
Has been the insane hold
On this worn out adult

So today I commit to changes
Making judgements sound
To get off this maddening

Changing my attitude, my actions
My comments and then…
Get up the next day
And do it over and again