Oh, how my past still haunts me
The shameful things I’ve done
Actions and words I’ve spoken
That didn’t bless anyone
Actions that found me guilty
A Scarlet Letter on my chest
The haunting shame inside me
I can’t seem to put to rest
I’ve asked my God forgiveness
His Word tells me it’s so
But Satan taunts my thoughts and mind
Keeping me from fully letting go
And holding on makes me even more guilty
Believing Satan’s lies instead of God’s truth
God sent Jesus to atone for my sin
His death on The Cross is my proof
Please forgive Your Servant, Lord, when I attempt to take back
Sin You’ve already taken from me
Those thoughts and actions, only denounce
The precious blood already shed for me
Let the thoughts in my mind, speak from Mercy You’ve shown
Let Your salvation prove to me
My past died with You, when You saved the world
On that dark day, at Calvary
So, when the evil one taunts my thoughts and my mind
Trying to haunt me with his lies and deceit
Let Only Grace, and Mercy, Your Unfailing Love
Be The Haunting evoked in me