Crossing Over

I believe when our hearts stop beating
Our soul then becomes alive

And the soul will live forever
When we cross over to the other side

I believe too our faith in Jesus
While we are on this earth

Will be the catalyst that bridges the gap for us
Into Heaven…from this earth

I believe our souls will take on new form
A new body in the likeness of His Spirit

Dry bones will rise up from the grave
In the likeness of His appearance

I believe Christ is preparing a place for us
Because He told the apostles “so”

And when our hearts stop beating I trust
This is the place where believers will go

So I look forward to that day when my Jesus returns
And I’ll see him face to face

And I’ll be given a brand new name
And live throughout eternity…at His place

Yes I believe when our hearts stop beating
Our souls then become alive

And my soul will live forever with Jesus
When I cross over to the other side