Heaven called her by name Illuminating the earth’s atmosphere Sparkling and twinkling during the early light years Lighting the ebony night sky in ultraviolet blue She was one of a multitude of celestial beings Yet... this one This one was no ordinary being She personified the sky Filling all space and time for those who loved her Her heavenly body motionless at times Other times she swayed In the amber glow of her starry host But mostly...she soared Up Up Up Higher Higher Higher still Dancing along the edge of the cosmos Flirting along the firey prism of life Cozy sapphire wavelengths... warmed her heart Blue-green and emerald hues ignited her spirit Yellow and orange flames Exploded into passion There were times she simmered In ruby red flames of envy Red hot fire raged with anger on occasion too Infrared flames Eventually scorched Leaving marks and scars On her heart Her days are ebbing now The light years wane Softly against the ebony night sky A warm amber glow returns Ever so slowly She falls Softly Floating among the clouds Her sparkling light fading now ~T~w~i~n~k~l~i~n~g~ Once Then again Heaven called her by name