Battles of the Mind

Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Do you struggle with random thoughts that are not praiseworthy? Have those thoughts ever taken flight and become verbalized? Are your words a stumbling block for you?

I love the monologue by Christian Comedian, Chonda Pierce, where she says a lot of the time she thinks things and sometimes they don’t get “sanctified” before they come out of her mouth! That statement has my name written all over it!

I was always trying to be funny or command attention growing up and have often said things in anger as an adult, before taking the time to think about how they would be perceived by the listener…never allowing my words to be “sanctified” before spewing them on anyone in my path.

I’m certain I have hurt other’s feelings with these outbursts. I’m sorry. And yes, I’ve been embarrassed on more than one occasion for the insensitive things that have come out of my mouth. I regret that too.

But as I grow and mature in my walk with Christ, I’m finally learning to think before I speak. (Note I said learning… this is still a process.)

My Dad gave me some wise advice after I got married to my husband, Lee. I was talking with him during a visit to my parents home one Sunday afternoon early in my marriage. Dad and I were sitting on the front porch swing having a nice Father/Daughter chat. I was telling my Dad that Lee and I just seemed to argue over everything. I already had one failed marriage under my belt and I desperately wanted this one to work. I asked my Dad how he had handled controversy with my Mom in the early years of their marriage. He responded with a very short, simple but profound statement…”not everything deserves a comment”. WOW! Those 5 simple words made such an impact on me and has literally changed my life.

I can remember witnessing heated arguments between my parents when I was growing up. I often thought my Dad was weak, because as I got into my teen years, he would often let my Mother “rule the roost” in those disagreements. But I came to the knowledge years later through that specific Father/Daughter chat, that he was NOT weak at all! He was in fact, very wise!

The Bible tells us in the excerpt from The Sermon on the Mount in the book of Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.” No doubt my Dad was, and still is a Peacemaker. He could have continued to add fuel to those fires back in the day, but he often chose to battle the spiritual forces of evil, by turning away wrath instead of turning it toward my Mother.

When we allow the battles in our mind to take on such a stronghold where it manipulates our actions…we are giving in to those forces of evil.

I still struggle with being “mouthy” occasionally. It has been, and still is at times, a stumbling block for me. But I find that when I take control over the battles in my mind, when I think before I speak, when I choose grace instead of strife, that I take away ALL of Satan’s ammunition to control me or my tongue.

If you’re a little “mouthy” like me, won’t you consider letting these verses seep into your heart and take a stronghold… and let the battles of your mind find peace, as you become wiser still, while practicing to hold your tongue.

Power Verses:
James 1:19 (NLT)
“Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man’s anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness.”

Proverbs 10:19 (NLT)
“When there are many words, sin is unavoidable, but the one who controls his lips is wise.”

Ode to “She Speaks”


Traveling alone,
Far from home.
Anxiety peaks,
Over the unknown.

Delta’s airspace,
For the birds,
Some would say,
My anxst absurd.

My knees are weak,
My stomach aches,
My adrenaline up,
My heartbeats race.

What lies ahead?
Will “She Speaks” be fun?
Or three days of dread?

My flight arrives.
Shuttle van in place.
I hop aboard.
No time to waste.

Shuttle fills with friends anew.
Writers, Speakers…Dreamers too!
Some are seasoned…been there before.
Newbies like me…can’t be ignored.

Dreams of speaking to a crowd,
Or writing words to read aloud,
To pitch an idea for a book,
Grabbing attention with just the right hook!

Sessions begin, we’re underway
Listening, learning what “She Speaks” has to say.
Jotting down notes with a favorite pen.
What did “She” say? Could you repeat that again?

Conversations ignite.
Kinships spark.
Dreams take flight.
Now out of the dark.

Rock Concert Worship!
Keynotes amaze!
Uplifting our hearts,
It’s Jesus we praise!

So much contemplation,
Over the silliest of things.
Like travelling alone
On Delta’s wings.

But had I known then,
what I know now.
I’d do it all again
Some way, somehow.

Cause I met a dear friend
Who, much like me,
Is a writer of words,
Inspiring others to see…

The Gospel in us
According to Luke
That not even “yet” sinners
Can rebuke!

My Darling Daisies

The day is filled with solitude and calm. The sky, a brilliant heather blue, bodes wispy white clouds that float along giving the appearance of trailing smoke from a cooling chimney in the winter time… yet temperatures today are near 75 degrees with a gentle breeze that is crisp and clean.

I can hear the screech of a black bird overhead trying to scare away the Robins and Cardinals who’ve taken refuge nearby… all eyeing the bits of fruit, nuts and seeds that rest inside the bright orange bird feeder at the corner of the deck.

The rustling of the water falling over the rock bed and spilling into the small kidney-shaped Koi fish pond at the base of the rocks, lends a serene sense of calm. The water lilies have multiplied and show off their lavender blooms early in the day.

I wish everyday could be like today, with time to enjoy all of God’s handy-work.

Lush palm fronds from the “Boston Ferns” drape heavily over the edge of their hanging baskets; while orange, yellow and peach “Gerbera Daisies” burst with color and stand up tall on their tippy-toes inside a jade blue and green urn.

The Gerbera’s wave their outstretched petals like messy fingers from an afternoon of finger painting. They’re holding their little arms high, so as not to get their leafy green foliage covered in paint…almost screaming “Hey Mom, look at me!” They’ve become my surrogate children you know… these darling daisies that surround me.

The yellow “Marigolds” are unassuming yet magnificent in their own right; as they sit quietly minding their manners in the center of a small whiskey barrel; while their more outgoing younger “Portulaca” siblings keep the conversation flowing in hues of pastel pink, terra-cotta, deep coral, lemon sherbet and cherry red.

The songbirds begin to add glory to the day; whistling and singing, calling out to their colorful cousins. In a nearby medieval gray concrete planter with a raised coat of arms bearing the family heritage… purple “Starburst Daisies” amplify the bird songs like a trumpet; sending the music down to the dapper dressed “Red Begonias” on the step below.

Squirrels scamper across the top of the deck posts waiting for an opportunity to close in on the feast that has been spilled onto the deck by the birds. A Grackle, a Cardinal and a Wren join the squirrel and take turns swooping down to the feeder; nibbling on a few bits for themselves and then obviously taking pieces back to a nest hidden away in a tree close by.

Like good little children, they don’t cause any commotion. They mind their manners and wait their turn. But then there is always one little stinker in the bunch as the “Blue Jay” makes his bold entrance…scarring away the others as he breaks line and eats his fill.

Seven coral azaleas wait patiently in their containers for their turn to be placed into the ground. Shaded from the sun’s rays by the salsa striped patio umbrella…they long for a shawl of fertile soil to drape at their shoulders, as the cool breeze begins to shed some of their blooms. I keep telling them it won’t be long now.

Oh, and we can’t forget the peach “Hibiscus” that resides proudly in an urn near the base of the brook. She’s the oldest and except for the birds, has traveled the farthest to join our family. She speaks mostly in the morning and then curls up for a nap at the end of the day, resting her blooms inside the Kelly green leaf blanket that she brought along with her. I’m sure it gives her comfort; being so far from her tropical home.

The crimson red “King Canna” are beginning to awaken from their long winter’s nap too; sending their stalks up through the earth first… testing the waters to make sure it’s o.k. to wake up the rest of the clan. The Canna will give privacy and a gorgeous backdrop for the mass planting of “Red Begonias” that is soon to come.

The white “Indian Hawthorne” and the lavender “Hydrangeas” afford a much-needed hedge; while the “Hasta” stand guard at the base of a new Bloodgood Maple tree. She took the place of a tired, old, weeping Crepe Myrtle that had to be put to rest last season. We miss her cherry pink blooms but have gained a different kind of beauty from the lacey leafed maroon Maple.

Dressed in variegated colors of green and maroon, the “Caladiums” in the north bed beckon to the lacey “Laurapetalum” as if to say “come on let’s play”. You can almost hear the music that has them holding hands and dancing in the wind.

And last, but most definitely not least is the “Carolina Jasmine”, resonating a sweet honeysuckle scent when in full bloom… she is now bound to a stake at the southwest corner of the deck. “Carolina” likes the morning shade but loves the warm afternoon sun the best. Soon she will be trailing off on her own; casting her golden blooms in the sun. She gives me so much joy and I look forward to watching her grow too.

Our Little Town

Badminton tournaments
and a croquet match.
Playin’ hide and seek and
a game of catch.

Ridin’ bikes all day
’til the sun went down,
that was summer fun
in our little town.

Makin’ mud pies
and playin’ hop scotch.
Sittin’ in the bleachers,
a baseball game to watch.

Doin’ cartwheels and
swingin’ on the front porch swing.
Spinnin’ 45 records and
we’d sing and sing and sing.

Climb the Redbud tree
in Mom’s front yard.
Hangin’ from the limbs
like they were monkey bars.

Much simpler times,
nothin’ seemed hard.
Not even catchin’
fireflies in a mason jar.

Ridin’ bikes all day
’til the sun went down.
That was summer fun
in our little town

Getting’ squirted
With the water hose
Takin’ Poloroid Pics
“Y’all strike a pose!”

No Playstation
or MP3
No cell phones
or games called Wi.

That’s how it was
way, way back…

Whether to the movies
or the go-kart track,
we ate homemade concessions
from a paper sack.

No money or treasure
could buy its worth
Just fun in the sun
on God’s green earth.

To the Methodist Church
every Sunday morn.
We learned about Jesus
and got re-born.

Ridin’ bikes all day
’til the sun went down.
That was summer fun
in our little town.

That’s how it was
don’t you remember when?
Life was so much simpler then.
Man, I want to do it all again!

Ridin’ bikes all day
’til the sun goes down!

The Skirted SwimSuit

Destin Beach FL was once again packed with vacationers as rows and rows of umbrella chairs lined the sand from the boardwalk all the way to the beach behind almost every condominium . As we headed down from our 12th floor room overlooking the gulf for our first relaxing day of fun in the sun, the thought projected onto my mind like a movie marque that this was my very first year on the beach in the dreaded “skirted swimsuit”! I really could have cried, but your supposed to be happy on vacation right ? The  past few years of stress at work, thyroid and hormonal issues, had left their mark and my body had changed!
It changed from the slim and trim, 115  lb. 5′ 3″ petite frame I used to carry,  to a fuller figure with about 35 extra pounds. But hey, I’m not a teenager any more either.

My 51 years have led me down some interesting paths…some darker than others, but I’ve finally settled into the light where Jesus is The Lord over every area of my life…well almost every area.

I am  finally in a good place spiritually, and a good place with my family and friends,  but once again my weight is an issue.

I’ve struggled with my weight off and on over the course of my life and always find that I’m heaviest when I’m the happiest…go figure?

I can be stick pin thin,  when the world around me is crumbling. But when life is good everything just tastes better!

But I decided to put the depressing thoughts out of my head and tried to stop the comparisons to the other seasoned women that were sunbathing, because after all… I do clean up pretty good! And yes it has to be said, that everyone looks better with clothes on anyway!

But then another even more disturbing thought crossed my mind. Do I embrace the dreaded “skirted swimsuit” in all of its glory, or do I embrace this down time as a time to recharge my battery and get back in the game, finally giving this struggle to God as well.

(I just shared the first draft of this article with my sweet Husband, Lee,  as we sit on the back of our new 38 ft Searay motor yacht, that The Lord has so graciously blessed us with, and after reading my draft,  he plays “One Hot Mama” by Trace Adkins over the stereo and turns it up so loud that I just have to laugh! What a guy! Even in the skirted suit he still thinks I’m Hot!! And that’s all that matters anyway, that my guy still thinks I’m One Hot Mama!! Right?)

Maybe so, but the Girl I want to be, wants it all and she seems to think she deserves it!

I’m thankful for the road I’ve travelled, even in times of adversity, because it has led me to this new season in my life.

So, I’ve decided to use this revelation as an opportunity to work towards attaining it all.. Simultaneously!! What a revelation! I can have it all and all at the same time!!

Yes! You can have great relationships, a great job, great health and be physically fit,  if you give it all to The Lord!

So, Lord, I’m giving it to you and asking you to help me make better choices with the food that I put in my mouth!

Help me to get back in the exercise game too, strengthening my  muscles and building stamina.

When I contemplate that my body is the vessel that houses the Holy Spirit, I’m drawn to the fact that I need to take better care of myself!

Thank you Lord for all the good things too, as  the song now playing by The Afters  reminds me that “you’re the reason  for every good thing, every heart beat, everyday we get to breathe!”

And I don’t want to waste another minute of it! So as I make this decision once again to regain focus on what’s best for me I’m saying goodbye to the skirted swimsuit season and trusting that next year I’ll be fit and trim and worthy of the two piece bikini one more time before I die!

Learning to Hit the Reset Button

Photo Booth.appMy husband Lee, and I, took a little river cruise this past weekend from Aqua Yacht Harbor & Marina on Pickwick Lake, near Counce, TN to the Marina in Florence, AL

It is normally about a 4-5 hour boat ride; cruising around 12-15 knots. The weather was perfect. The sky was brilliant that day and speckled with a few wispy clouds, that looked like bites of cotton candy painted on a sea blue canvas. There was no rain in sight on the radar for at least 24 hours, so we were all set to go.

Lee’s brother, Tony,  and his wife Nancy, came along for the ride. We don’t go anywhere without our dog Sophie, so  she was aboard for the journey too!

We had plans to shove off about 10:30AM but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we didn’t weigh anchor until closer to 1:00PM. We were trying to be in port in Florence by 5:00PM before their staff left for the day. So, instead of the layed-back, relaxing cruise I had envisioned, Lee had to use a heavy hand on the throttle…traveling the majority of the trip between 20-25 knots, trying to make up time.

The result was the same, we got there by 5:00PM. But, the journey wasn’t as enjoyable had we been able to take our time. And that was the point in going …to relax, kick back and enjoy the ride!

Do you find that your daily life is too often like this scenario? You rush around, minding your to-do-lists, making plans, only to find that sometimes you miss out on the joy along the way.

Now granted, we had great company and good conversation on our expedited trip. We listened to some great music and soaked up some of the last rays of sunshine for the season. We even had our own little wine and cheese party on the boat after we docked in Florence and watched the sun go down. So all in all it was still a great trip!

When we docked in Florence, we were forewarned by the Harbor Master, of a cannon explosion that is done every day at sunset from the State Park beside the marina. This explosion is to celebrate the end of the day and the beginning of a new one.

The locals come from miles around to visit the park and to be a part of the day’s end celebration. However, even with the advance notice, Lee, Tony, Nancy and Sophie were still startled by the blast! I had gone below deck to take a quick shower before we went to dinner and only heard a mild thump from below deck.

It was getting dark, so Lee decided to take Sophie for a quick walk before we left for dinner, while the rest of us continued to get showered and changed. Having just gotten out of the shower myself, I began to dry my hair when all of a sudden the electrical system was overloaded from the added WATS of power from the hair dryer and all the power on the entire starboard side of the boat shut down. Not Good!

I searched for a breaker to trip on the control panel in the salon, or a reset button to flip, but couldn’t locate a master switch. When Lee returned, he was perturbed to say the least. His frustration was somewhat directed toward me, because I should have known that we needed to adjust for the additional power being used. Now, here we were, in simi-darkness, all trying to get ready for dinner without total power. It was unintentional on my part, but I felt responsible regardless!

The much younger, and a bit more feisty Marie, would have made a few choice comments that would have fueled the situation further. But since we had company on board this time, I decided to keep my comments to myself… but also to remove myself from the situation and let Lee handle it.

I walked on over to the restaurant at the marina and sat down at a table outside the door and waited for the others to join me, wet hair and all! Ok, so maybe I’m still a little feisty, because that wasn’t the best response for the “hostess with the mostest” – I know!

As I sat there, I recalled the story of a wise King from Jerusalem that is written in the book of Ecclesiastes, and a poem I had just recently written regarding that same story. The King ponders all of life’s questions and determines that everything is “meaningless” under the sun, except to fear God and keep His commands!

So, after contemplating that thought again, I even said it out loud …”meaningless, meaningless, utterly meaningless” …to remind myself that it was not necessary to get all bent out of shape over the blown circuit and that maybe I acted too hasty in walking away!

Tony and Nancy eventually joined me. Tony even asked if we could just hit the reset button and enjoy the rest of the night. I agreed! However, I wasn’t sure if Lee would show up for dinner or not, since his concern was the power surge and the possibility of a fire. I knew he didn’t want to leave the boat unattended, especially with Sophie on board either. Tony and Nancy had left him trying to contact his service guy back at Aqua Yacht Marina to see if there was anything else that he needed to check out.

Lee did finally join us, after determining that it was just the power cord that bit the dust and not anything electrical on board. The generator was up and running and we were in good shape!

We made our apologies for the frustrated comments and actions that had put a slight damper on the beginning of the evening and determined to make the best of it. We agreed again to hit the reset button for the rest of the night!

Funny how the real reset button that day was not one found below deck, that could have allowed me to finish drying my hair. But the one found in our hearts, when we decided to let go of the silly “meaningless” thing that kept us from being our best!

Is being confrontational a stumbling block for you? Do you sometimes create more tension in situations by adding unnecessary comments to the equation, or drama that only fuels the fire? I can tell you from my own experience, that this type of response is futile. It gets you nowhere, and in the grand scheme of things is meaningless! Proverbs 15:1 states “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”. Proverbs 16:24 also reminds us that, “Kind words are like honey…sweet to the soul and healthy to the body.”

Lee has often said, “A bad day on the lake is better than a good day at work” …and that’s hard to deny!

We apologized again to each other on the boat ride home on Sunday. We also agreed to try to work on our responses to each other and to treat each other like we would if we were each other’s client instead of family. It’s sad, but we do sometimes treat perfect strangers better than the ones we are supposed to care about and love the most.

We are also learning to hit the reset button of life , so that when things don’t go our way, or frustrations steal our joy, we can be assured to end the day with a cannon blast celebration…wet hair optional!


My heart aches to tell my story,
Guilt and shame keep it inside.
But Lord I know you’ve written the ending
That will take me on a glorious ride!

Regret and sorrow overwhelms me.
“Remember not the sins of my youth”.
In Mercy and Grace Lord, You replaced me
From paying a shameful sin debt that was due.

Now I am worthy of your Kingdom riches,
No longer and outsider just looking in.
“While we were yet sinners Christ died for us”
Though the timeline of “yet” was before my life began.

To those your foreknew, you also predestined
So you knew at Golgotha the sins I would commit.
Yet you took that cup from me, and when you drank it
My sin was no more, yes You said, “finished”.

There is no reason now to feel regret, shame or guilt,
Because in perfect love my life you’ve rebuilt.
So, I’m lifting my head, on you my eyes are set.
Praising the understanding of the simple word “yet”.

Morning Praise Song

The birds sing their morning praise songs
As the leaves rustle to the sound of the wind.
My heart clings to the peace in this moment
Praises to you Lord over and over again.

The quiet serenity of the morning
Calms my Spirit and too my heart sings,
A joyful love song to our creator,
The maker of Heaven, and in earth all things.

Singing glory, glory, all Praise to You only.
Glory, glory all praise to the King!
Glory, glory all praise to the Savior,
To our Holy Father, these praises we sing!

Begin Again

When negative voices creep in like a fog
Dig your heels in and believe the word of God.
He remembers the promise He placed in your heart
The dream you gave up on…He has not forgot!

God wants to give you the desires of your heart
He will make sure you complete what He starts!
Don’t let sorrow or shame and regret from past sin,
Hold you back from Beginning Again!

Victory Over Un-forgiveness

When we are hurt
Our first response is to retaliate.
Outwardly we may do nothing,
But inside we harbor “hate”.

Claim victory over un-forgiveness
Confess any resentment to God.
Acknowledge it as an act of rebellion
And choose to lay it down for good.

Un-forgiveness hinders our prayer life,
Our worship and witness to others.
It affects our giving, blocks our
Spiritual growth and causes strife with our brothers.

Giving up resentment against someone
And our so-called “right to get even”,
Reveals the most about our character
And the basics of what we believe in.

Un-forgiveness is serious business
Assume responsibility for it.
Ask God to enable you to forgive
And His Spirit to implore it!