Letter To God – 12/31/15

Dear God:
I praise You for who You are and the omniscient power You have over the earth and every living, breathing, being in it! I confess to You. Lord, the sins of my youth and pray that Your Holy Spirit will convict me, to stand against the evils of this world and prove myself worthy of Your Kingdom. When I fall short, I pray for Your Mercy. I thank you Father for Your Grace and Your Blessings in my life and in the lives of my family and friends. I pray Your Holy Spirit intercede on my behalf as I bring these requests before Your throne…

I’m lifting up all those who are sick or hurting today, asking for Your healing. I pray for all those who are imprisoned or enslaved, that they find freedom “In You” and “Through You”. I lift up those who are downcast and depressed, that they find living water for their souls and encouragement from Your Word. I pray for “ALL” the leaders You have put in place to govern our cities, our states, our nation and throughout the world; that they seek Your Counsel and that You Guide their hands to rule under Your Authority.

I pray for those struggling with addiction, that they can claim victory by giving You their burdens. I pray for all those who don’t know about You, Lord, to be given another opportunity to hear the good news of The Gospel and that is does NOT fall on deaf ears.

I Thank You and Praise You, Lord Jesus for everything You’ve done FOR me, IN me, and THROUGH me. I continue to ask for the spiritual gift of creative writing and that You would continue to help me use this gift to further Your Kingdom. I pray Your Blessing over ALL those who know You, into the New Year and throughout eternity.

In Jesus Precious Name I pray. Amen


So many times I’ve stared
At the crisp, white, blank page
With chaotic thoughts and images
Trying to engage
The Spiritual gift and guided obsession
Of crafting sentence structure
To weave a lyric, verse or rhyme
Into poetic frame and
Usher in the feelings and emotions
The apostles were impelled to invoke
Recalling to the conscientious mind
Jesus’ clear, solid approach
Resounding thunderously with the words
God gave them to compose
Laying them down…side by side
A comparison…juxtaposed
So to the skilled writer with pen in hand
There is never a total loss of lyric
When the craft is of indelible ink
Written by The Holy Spirit
To share the Love of The Father, Of The Son, and The Holy Spirit
It is by grace we have been saved through faith
Not by works so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9)
For we are all God’s children, His handiwork
To do His good works we were created
Which He prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10)
So it’s not that complicated
His saving grace comes only by faith
And I’ve been called to share mine with you
For this writer only takes pen in hand
To teach what God’s Word would have us both do

Willful Intent

Verse For Today: Psalm 19:13 (NIV)
“Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.” ‘

Have you ever prayed and asked God for His help to overcome the sin in your life? Have you ever been prompted by The Holy Spirit, prior to your actions, and have shamefully committed the transgression, yet again…ignoring His nudging?

The term “Willful” is defined as having or showing a stubborn and determined intention to do as one wants, regardless of the consequences.

On headstrong days, we manage to block out our willful disobedience, as we relish in doing exactly what our sinful nature desires, with no regard for the consequences of our actions…at least for the moment!

Unfortunately, the acts of the sinful nature were not eradicated when we became Christians. Just like the Apostle Paul, although we want to do good, evil is right there with us!

If we are of The Spirit, guilt is always the unveiled reaction and we find ourselves asking The Lord for forgiveness, time and again. Why? Because, the flesh is weak and it is the sin that lives in each of us that continues to do what is evil. (Romans 7:14-21)

But, Christ graciously left His Holy Spirit, to live in us and free us from bondage to the flesh, so that we are not controlled by the sinful nature, but by The Spirit.(Romans 8:7-9).

Therefore, we are not addicted to sin. Even if we succumb to the sinful nature and ask forgiveness 70 X 7, The Holy Spirit’s prompting will grow stronger and louder as we come to know the true meaning of repentance.

But, repentance is more than just acknowledging our wrongdoings. It is a change of our heart and a renewing of our mind. Repentance includes turning away from sin and gives us a fresh look into the heart and character of Jesus, in our arduous search for forgiveness. Repentance is motivated by our love for God and our willful intent to obey His commandments.

What are your willful intentions for today?

Prayer For Today:

Lord God,
Help us to understand the true meaning of repentance and keep your servants from willful sins, so they will not rule over us. But instead… open our hearts and minds to the prompting of The Holy Spirit, so that our character, our conduct and our conversations, will always be pleasing in Your sight.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

I am… I Am

I am hated…when I hate others
I am a sinner…when I continue to sin
I am evil…when my heart is stone
On a path to destruction…when done over and again

I am an encourager…when I encourage
I am blessed…when I bless all mankind
I am rich…when I give to the poor
I am good…when I keep God’s Word on my mind

I am a writer…as long as I write
I am a singer…lifting my voice to sing
I am a child… of The Most High God
In His strength… I can do all things

I am a gardener…sewing seeds of faith
I am a shepherd…keeping watch day and night
I am a Mother…looking after her children
I am a teacher…teaching the love of Christ

I am a disciple…a follower of Jesus
God’s own Son… who died to give us life
I am a Believer… of The Gospel
Of My Lord and Savior… Jesus Christ

I am…part of “I AM”
His Holy Spirit…lives in me
I am…part of “I AM”
The Holy Trinity

Especially… Not You!

“How could Heaven be Heaven if loved ones are missing?”, you ask.
How could my tears ever be washed away?

How could I spend an eternity, knowing a loved one…
Died without being saved?

How could I believe in God’s mercies, if in Heaven I miss
A reunion with all those, I’ve cared for and kissed?

Like an earthly Father or Mother, a sister or brother
A dear friend or old lover, who touched my heart and my mind.

How could Heaven be Heaven…a utopia, complete?
If someone I’ve loved is left behind?

So, this question calls me to answer…and tell of His mercies
His omniscient power and grace

To share my Savior from above, with all those I love
So that not one of them will be displaced

And to teach them to fear, The Lord God Almighty
His words will forever ring true

He is faithful and just, to all those who will trust
His saving grace is for me and for you!

But the sand in the hour-glass is running out
For those who can’t call Him, friend

It is up to those who believe, to share our salvation
So our loved ones won’t have a fateful end


“How could Heaven be Heaven, if loved ones are missing?” you ask.
How could you bear that knowledge throughout eternity?

The Bible says: “The face of The Lord is against all those who do evil
And He will cut them off from our memory! (Psalm 34:16)

So, if you are reading these words, but have not accepted Jesus
As your King, your Savior, your Friend

I have been called to introduce you to Jesus
So you do not have a fateful end

But a soul that lives on throughout eternity
Stepping “out” of this life and then


To Heaven with Jesus, our Master, our Guardian
Our Savior, Redeemer, and Best Friend!

So, How could Heaven be Heaven…a utopia complete
For me…and others like me too?

By sharing our faith and what we believe in
So not one perishes…especially NOT YOU!