Especially… Not You!

“How could Heaven be Heaven if loved ones are missing?”, you ask.
How could my tears ever be washed away?

How could I spend an eternity, knowing a loved one…
Died without being saved?

How could I believe in God’s mercies, if in Heaven I miss
A reunion with all those, I’ve cared for and kissed?

Like an earthly Father or Mother, a sister or brother
A dear friend or old lover, who touched my heart and my mind.

How could Heaven be Heaven…a utopia, complete?
If someone I’ve loved is left behind?

So, this question calls me to answer…and tell of His mercies
His omniscient power and grace

To share my Savior from above, with all those I love
So that not one of them will be displaced

And to teach them to fear, The Lord God Almighty
His words will forever ring true

He is faithful and just, to all those who will trust
His saving grace is for me and for you!

But the sand in the hour-glass is running out
For those who can’t call Him, friend

It is up to those who believe, to share our salvation
So our loved ones won’t have a fateful end


“How could Heaven be Heaven, if loved ones are missing?” you ask.
How could you bear that knowledge throughout eternity?

The Bible says: “The face of The Lord is against all those who do evil
And He will cut them off from our memory! (Psalm 34:16)

So, if you are reading these words, but have not accepted Jesus
As your King, your Savior, your Friend

I have been called to introduce you to Jesus
So you do not have a fateful end

But a soul that lives on throughout eternity
Stepping “out” of this life and then


To Heaven with Jesus, our Master, our Guardian
Our Savior, Redeemer, and Best Friend!

So, How could Heaven be Heaven…a utopia complete
For me…and others like me too?

By sharing our faith and what we believe in
So not one perishes…especially NOT YOU!