If God Answered Your Prayers

If God answered your prayers
Would anyone benefit… other than you?
If your heart’s desire was granted
Would it bless just one…or more than two?

If your deepest concerns today
Were addressed by The King of Kings
And if you wished upon a star in the midnight sky
Would it offer anything…to anyone but you?

If you prayed a prayer to heaven
Would the saints and angels sing
Your requests to the Father,
The giver of everything?

To Bless you with your one request
Raining down His Grace from up above
Would the blessing touch more than your life
With The Father’s Love?

Yes The Father wants you to pray for yourself
It’s Not something you shouldn’t do
But including other’s in your prayers
Keeps your focus off of you

And as you lift the burden of a Brother
Father, Sister, Friend of another
To the Heavens you will find
Your burden pales within your mind

The comparison of burdens one to another
The juxtaposition you will discover
Reduces your pain when compared
To your brother’s

So tonight before you fall asleep
As you pray for relief of what causes you to weep
Remember your neighbor across the street
Then sleep will come…so sweet, so sweet