Under Construction

I may have messy places in my life
But God’s not finished with me
He has a perfect plan for my future
Far beyond all this mess I see

Sometimes the mess is just part of the process
I may have even brought it all on myself
But despite the poor choices that I’ve made
I choose to tuck them away…high upon a shelf

Out of reach

Where I don’t have to look at them everyday
A constant reminder of things done wrong
Words I should have spoken, words I didn’t say

But the accuser will work overtime
To remind me of all the wrong I’ve done
So I must remember not to believe those lies
So he’ll know that he still hasn’t won

The battle for my soul, the battle for my heart
Because I am still under the Architects construction
Waiting for the unveiling is still the best part

So despite all my failings and shortcomings
My God is not finished with me
Yes! He has the blueprint for my life
His plans are to prosper and not to harm me

His plans give me hope for the future
When today’s muddy mess is all I can see
Knowing I am still under construction
I praise God, that He is not finished with me

Power Verse:
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares The lord.
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give
you a hope, and a future.”

Choose to Believe

Don’t allow the accuser
To steal your joy
No matter the circumstance

Don’t give way to the negative voice
That is spell-binding
Leaving you in a trance

Don’t fall prey to the little things
That distract
To situations that cause turmoil

For those are the traps
The accuser sets
To rob, and steal, and spoil

Don’t give in when the going gets rough
Stand firm in what you know and believe
God sent His Spirit to lift you up…the accuser has come only to deceive

All those who don’t accept The Father’s love
Those with hearts that are callous like stone
The unbelieving hell-bent souls…forever cast into the abyss – alone

Yes, regardless of the joy Satan tries to steal
Hold fast to Our God and receive
Your Kingdom inheritance, your portion, your lot…all because you choose to believe