The Next Right Thing

When life veers off Your path that is best
Help me Lord, to take the next right step

In unsettling times, when I don’t know what to do
Help me Lord Jesus, to make the next right move

When life’s journey leads to a crowded intersection
Point me Jehovah, in the right direction

To the next best thing that I should do
That will continue to bring me closer to You

If patience is needed, Father, help me to wait
Keep me from making the same mistakes

Give me a vision, when I see a clouded view
Help me God, keep me, hold me tighter to You

For Your ways are higher than my ways
Your thoughts higher than my thoughts (Isaiah 55:9)

Renew my mind Lord, make me think
Contemplate the next right thought

When I am weary Lord, when sleep won’t come
Give me rest, make my body succumb

To the next best thing that I should embrace
That guarantees I will see Your face

When frustrations come screaming, loud and bold
Help me to choose best, what I should hold

Forever placing my trust in You
So the next right thing is what I do.