Delete! Delete!


Your mind races and your thoughts scatter
Constantly changing, regardless of the matter

You can be happy and extremely upbeat
Yet your thoughts creep in at night and steal your sleep

It’s a battle raging on and on, day after day
Regardless of how hard you try… thoughts overwhelm you this way

The incessant chatter in your head
Will wear you out… turn your hope into dread

But Jesus knew the battle you would fight in your mind
So take up the Sword of the Spirit and you will find

The negative voices don’t have all that much to say
When you let the Holy Spirit lead you through each day!

You can stay in control of all that you think
Hanging on to all the good… the bad? Delete! Delete!

Erase the negative streaming videos
The junk of past day’s guilt

Because as Believers you know
That’s why Christ’s blood was spilt

To cleanse you from all the wrong that you’ve done
Saving you for His Kingdom… Holy Father, Spirit, Son!

So when your mind wanders to a channel on past sin
Don’t watch the reruns over and over again

Lift up your head, turn your face to the sky
And disregard scattered thoughts as they float across your mind

Stand firm in The Spirit and all of its strength
Clinging on to all the good! The bad? Delete! Delete!

Author: Marie Fitts

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Writer, Dog Lover, Grated in and Grateful, Child of the Most High God!

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