This Heart pants for living water
To quench its thirsty soul
This Heart aches from pain and anguish
Of sin that has taken its toll
This Heart longs to meet its Maker
And to see Him face to face
To bow down before King Jesus
Who mercifully took its place
Upon the Cross at Golgotha
Where This Heart
Should have been nailed to that tree
But King Jesus loved This Heart so much
That He intervened
On its behalf
Taking upon Himself
Its judgement and
The Creator’s wrath
For every time This Heart disobeyed His commands
For every time This Heart could not conceive
Of an agape love so strong, so deep
That it rebelled in disbelief
Yet His mercy and grace flowed freely
Pumping into This Heart of mine
Words that penetrated This Heart
Which brought the renewing of my mind
Changing This Heart from the inside out
It is no longer blinded
Renewing This Heart from the inside out
It is no longer double minded
But holds steadfast to the Word of God
All His Words printed in red
So that This Heart would not be deceived
But trust in exactly what The Father said
And as I continue to paint His Words on This Heart
I’m certain that You will find
That sharing His gift of grace with You
Is exactly what The Father had in mind
So when Your Heart pants for living water
To quench Your thirsty soul
This Heart longs for You to accept Jesus
So Your Heart too will know
The agape love so strong, so deep
The love that lives within our soul
The never ending Love of The Father
Who sacrificed His Son to make our brokenness whole